Andy Campbell
Responsible for the direction, overall design and build of the game, character animation, voice-overs, print and website design.

Judi Alston
Artistic direction, project management, script writing, industry experience research, character development, film interviews/editing, voice-overs.

Tiara Ashworth
Creating 3D assets for the game, presenting to the Advisory Group, QA testing.

Evie Godfrey
Character cards design, illustration and back stories, 3D character creation, website admin.

Dean Hinchliffe
Advising on game film set/fictional documentary. DOP and Editor on Behind-the-scenes documentary.

Melanie Paris
Project support with Advisory Group Meetings, script development, comms.

William Jacobs
Composed the music that is heard in-game, as well as tracks for the documentary film, assisted with QA testing.

Felipe Carvajal Sánchez
Responsible for the creation of some of the sonic atmospheres, foley sounds, user interface sounds in the game, and sound design for intro film.

Kutay Yavuz
Volunteered in an interview and did an internship on testing the game and assisting the documentary.

Prof Jude Brereton
Initiated the original idea for the project. Responsible for ensuring academic research into skills gaps and representation in the Screen Industry underpins the development of the game and resources.

Charlotte Wilson
Organisation of all meetings, managing the budget and keeping everyone updated on progress.

Philippa (Pip) Rackstraw
Operational lead for Skills and Training, overseeing project management of the game to support growth of a diverse, creative workforce.

Dr Bethan Jones
Research into educational games and skills gaps in film and TV, undertaking focus groups for the evaluation of the game.

Clau Nader
Developed the educational resource package, including learning activities based on real life scenarios, to unpick the challenges that professionals in the screen industries have to navigate.

Jon Hook
Advised on game development and technical specifications, has enjoyed seeing the inspiring and valuable project develop.

Nina Willment
Advised on experiences of workers in the creative economy, and qualitative research to support the development of the game.

Dr James Zborowski
Advised on the content of the game, with a focus on on-set interactions among production crew.

Prof Carlton Reeve
Provided expertise to support the development of the game, particularly around engagement and narrative.

Dr Anna Bramwell-Dicks
Advice on user-testing, research approaches to digital accessibility and evaluation of skills development.